5-5 名詞相当語句 |
(a) 代名詞
The boy has a book. He bought it yesterday.
(b) 不定詞
To see is to believe. (見ることは信じることである)
(c) 動名詞
Seeing is believing. (見ることは信じることである)
(d) the+形容詞
the poor (貧しき人々)、 the young (若者たち)
(e) the+分詞
the living (生きている人々)、 the wounded (負傷者)
(f) 副詞
How far is it from here to there?
(g) 名詞句
How to do this is a question.(これをどうしてするかが問題だ)
(h) 名詞節
Why he was absent from the office remains unknown.
(i) 引用の語句
One was saying, “Wait a bit”; the other, “Pretty
(「ちょっと待て」と言う者もいれば、「いますぐに」という者もいた) |