Somebody did something. (だれかが何かをした)
Something was done by somebody. (何かがだれかによっておこなわれた)
Economic considerations often influence living
Living expenses are often influenced by
economic considerations.
They say that he failed in business.
1. It is
said that he failed in business.
2. He is said to have failed in business.
「S + V + IO + DO」の文型
The bank lent hima large sum of money. (銀行は彼に多額の金を貸した)
1. Hewas
lent a large sum of money by the bank.
2. A
large sum
of moneywas
lent (to) him by the bank.
We promisedthe young mana new
position in the company.
1. The young manwas
promised a new position in the
2. A new position in the companywas promised (to)
young man.
He offered me
a bilateral contract. (彼は私に双務契約を申し出た)
A bilateral contract was offered (to) me by him.
Companies provide employees
(with) various welfare facilities.
Various welfare
facilities are provided for employees by companies.
He asked me
several questions. (彼は私にいくつか質問をした)
questions were asked (of)
me by him.
「S + V + O + C」の文型
補語は受動態の主語になることはできませんので、原則的にはこの文型は「S + V + O」の文型の場合と同じ仕方になります。
The stockholders elected him the next
He was
elected the next
president by the stockholders.
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