He agreed with me. (私と同じ意見だった)
He agreed to the proposal. (その提案に賛成した) |
〔こと〕 |
They applied for assistance
from the Government.
rule does not apply to this
(その規則はこの場合には適用しない) |
He attended on his sick
wife. (病妻の看護をした)
He attended to his
duties. (職務に精励した) |
They called for a raise
in salary. (賃上げを要求した)
I called on him
at his
office. (事務所に彼を訪れた)
We called on〔upon〕him for
a speech. (彼に演説を頼んだ) |
He comes from Australia. (オーストラリア出身である)
This product comes with a
one-year guarantee.
I came across him in the
company cafeteria. (社員食堂で彼に出くわした) |
His work was compared to that
of the greatest inventors.
My cooking cannot compare with hers.
(私の料理は彼女のとは比較にならない) |
The happiness of a country consists in the
freedom of its citizens.
The committee consists of ten members. (委員会は10人から成る) |
I am engaged for the latter
half of this week.
Tom is engaged to Anne. (トムはアンと婚約している)
He is engaged in politics. (彼は政治に携っている)
The teeth of one wheel engage with those of the other.
(一方の車輪の歯は他方の車輪の歯とかみ合う) |
He inquired after his old
(彼は旧友の安否を問うた ―― 病気を見舞った)
I inquired of an
assistant at the counter about the matter.
must inquire into the actual facts of the case.
(我々は事件の真相を調査しなければならない) |
They proceeded to disassemble
the engine.
Please proceed with your
explanation. (どうぞ説明を続けてください) |
Disease often results from poverty.
―― 病気は貧困に起因する)
His efforts resulted in failure. (彼の努力は失敗に帰した) |
I spoke for him. (私は彼を代弁(弁護)した)
She spoke of her private
life. (彼女は自分の私生活について話した)
stranger spoke to me. (見知らぬ人が私に話しかけた)
I spoke with him in private. (ひそかに彼と話(相談)した) |
He succeeded in discovering
a new virus.
He succeeded to his
job. (彼は父親の職を継いだ) |
He was angry at being
kept waiting so long.
He was angry with himself
for having made such a foolish mistake.
( |
彼はそんなばかげた誤ちをおかしたことで、自分自身に腹を立てていた) |
〔人〕 |
He is anxious about your
He is anxious for wealth
and fame.
(彼は富と名声をほしがっている - forの次は名詞)
He is anxious to start
as soon as possible.
- toの次は原形動詞) |
He is eager for success
(=to succeed). (彼は成功を切に望んでいる)
is eager in his business. (彼は商売に熱心だ) |
His name is familiar to us.
I am not very familiar with botanical names.
〔こと〕 |
He is good at making
plans. (彼は計画立案がうまい)
He is good for nothing. (彼は何の役にも立たない) |
She was impatient for his
arrival. (彼女は彼の到着を待ちこがれていた)
I was impatient with their
mistakes. (私は彼らの誤解が我慢ならなかった) |
I am ready for the
journey. (旅行の準備ができている)
You are ready with many
excuses. (君はいろいろと言い訳がうまい) |
He is tired from〔by〕his hard work. (彼は激務で疲れている)
I am tired of〔with〕his
long lecture. (彼の長談議にはあきあきする) |
There is (a) great〔poor〕demand for this
People make many demands on my
(私の時間に対する要求は多い ―― いろいろと時間をとられて忙しい) |
We investigated the influence of
a magnet on an electric current.
He has great influence with〔over〕the
(彼はきわめて支配人に信用がある) |
〔人〕 |