I was frightened at the sight of the volcanic activity.
Carelessness is responsible for your
He collapsed from fatigue. (彼は過労がもとで倒れた)
He died of stomach cancer. (彼は胃がんで死んだ)
This accident happened through your
His boss was greatly pleased with his work.
(社長は彼の仕事に大いに満足した) |
This door is for emergency use
only. (このドアは非常時専用です)
I’ve come here on business, not for pleasure.
They are saving (money) toward(s) the education of their
(彼らは子供たちの教育のために貯金をしている) |
In Japan, houses are generally built of wood.
Nylon is made from coal, water and air.
You have to sign an official document in ink.
I filled the glass with water.
(コップに水を満たした) |
〔変 化〕 |
ofのかわりに強意を表すout ofを用いることもあります。また材料の変化を表すのにintoも用いられます。
What did you
make it out of? (きみはそれを何で作ったのか)
Wheat is ground into flour, and flour is made into bread.
(小麦はひかれて粉になり、粉はパンとなる) |
You’d better send this parcel not by sea mail but by air
Try opening the door with this key. (この鍵で戸があくか試してごらん)
Will you accept payment in yen? (お支払いは円でもよろしいですか)
He succeeded through hard work. (彼は努力のおかげで成功した) |
関連:of、about、on、as to、in regard
I have heard of him, but
I don’t know (anything) about him.
He gave a lecture on the future trends of the world’s population.
He said nothing as to the hours we should work.
He had his own theory in regard to the trade imbalance.
(彼は貿易不均衡に関しては彼なりの意見があった) |
Water boils at 100℃. (水は摂氏100度で沸騰する)
The car traveled at a speed of 80kph (=kilometers per hour).
Gasoline is sold by the gallon in the United States.
Here is a wooden block with (the) dimensions of 10 by 5 by 4cm.
He looks young for his age. (彼は年の割には若く見える)
She bought the blouse for 40 dollars.
(彼女はそのブラウスを40ドルで買った) |
これは「前置詞 + 抽象名詞」の形でよく用いられます。
I met him by chance〔accident〕at
the trade fair.
He was, in fact〔reality〕, an industrial spy.
This meeting must of necessity be put off for a while.
It is not likely that he did it on purpose.
We got through the inspection with difficulty〔with ease〕.
(やっとのことで〔楽々と〕検査に合格した) |