Seeing (=When I saw) the pictures, I remembered
my childhood during the war. (その写真を見て、私は戦時中の少年時代を思い出した)
Having (=After he had) failed several
times, he succeeded at last.
(幾度か失敗したあと、彼はやっと成功した) |
(Being)(=As I was) Tired,
I went to bed early.
(Being)(=As the book is) Written in easy English, the book will
be read by many people.
(やさしい英語で書かれているので、その本は多くの人に読まれるだろう) |
Turning (=If you turn) to
the left there, you will find the factory.
The same thing, happening (=if it should happen) in a large city, would
amount to disaster.
(同じことが大都会で起これば大惨事となったことだろう) |
Accepting (=Although I accept) what you say, I
still think you are in the wrong. (君の言い分を認めるとしても、やはり君は間違っていると思う)
Living (=Though he lives) near my house,
he seldom comes to see me.
(彼は私の家の近くに住んでいるが、めったに会いに来ない) |
The storm hit the granary, causing (=and
it caused) great damage.
Foreign investors are active in the Japanese stock market, owning (=and
they own) more than 20 percent of the shares of listed companies.
( |
外国人の投資家は日本の株式市場で活動しており、上場企業の20%以上の株を所有している) |
Smiling brightly, he extended his hand to me.
A jet flew up into the air, making a great noise.
(轟音をとどろかせながら、ジェット機が上空に舞い上がった) |
Though living (=Though
I live) next door, I seldom see him.
While having (=While we were
having) lunch, we used to talk about sports. (我々は昼食をとりながら、よくスポーツ談義をしたものだ) |